Accreditation Banner

Official Syllabus Accreditation by

Sheikh Al-Maasarawi

IQRA Network’s curriculums are prepared by a specialized team, then reviewed and presented to His Eminence Sheikh Dr. Ahmed Issa Al-Masrawy, Sheikh of the former Egyption Al-Muqari, and Professor of Hadith at Al-Azhar University.

A Word from Sheikh Ahmed Al-Maasarawi

Collaboration with Dar Al-Maasarawi

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As part of a sophisticated partnership with Dar Al-Maasarawi, IQRA Network’s syllabi are reviewed according to educational standards by Dr. Muhammad Abdel-Fattah Al-Khatib, Professor of Linguistics at Al-Azhar University and Dr. Taher Abdel Fattah, expert at the Ministry of Education in Egypt.

Tajweed Diploma Accreditation

You path to the grand Ijazah of Quran Recitation

In a number of His verses, God urged us to recite the Qur’an. Based upon these verses, IQRA Network offers a “Diploma of Qur’an Recitation,” which aims to offer lovers of the Qur’an and its sciences a path toward Qur’an Recitation.

Students will strive to master the theoretical provisions of intonation and learn the ability to apply them in practice.


Basic Certificate

Students will study the basics of reading the Qur'an and Tajweed through letters, movements, and pronunciation of words and Qur'anic sentences.


Diploma Certificate

Through the basics of letter' pronunciation, the relationship between letters, an introduction ot the science of Tajweed, practical applications and more, students will earn a diploma certificate in the Rulings of Tajweed.


Advanced Certificate

As part of earning an advanced certifcate, students will read and recite the entire Holy Qur'an perfectly from the Mus'haf.


Ready to Pursue the Grand Ijazah


Grand Ijazah Program

The top islamic status: be part of an unbroken chain of authorized
transmitters going back to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

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The Grand Ijāzah Program aims to eliminate the randomness and individuality of the Ijāzah through a strong program supervised by specialists from the Qurrā and Ulamā. These specialists have a chain of transmission linked to the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.


Start Learning Today With IQRA