I felt there was a need to put up this page for people who may not be entirely familiar with the way this site functions.
Here’s a quick and brief guide on what to look for and what to expect.


Main heading: as the main headings of the page are mostly transliterated, I have attempted to spell them in the most coherent way possible.

Tag line: placed at the beginning of posts. Not end. Just a smooth introduction into the post because being bold, frank and forceful is never a nice way to spread knowledge, or receive it, for that matter!

Main picture: I give all credit due to the owners of the main page pictures that I use on posts. I’m a visual person and feel a necessity to draw some visual inspiration where and when possible, hence I use pictures relevant to the topic being discussed.

The topic: in bold most of the time. The topic will be, in most circumstances, the first thing in the next paragraph.

Transliteration: everyone has their own transliteration language. Some use lines and dots and dashes and a weird combinations of letters like dh or zh, etc. I like to keep it simple. All Arabic is in italics, and anything in bold will refer to the heavier sounds, these letters are:


haa, ayn, tah, thah, saad, daad

ض       ص       ظ       ط       ع       ح

Finally, I usually do not change the transliteration to suit huroof shamseeya, eg.


I write: al-naas

I do not write: an-naas

Examples: I extracted parts of ayaat from quran.com for better viewing, and have placed the transliteration underneath just to clarify any troubles readers may have trying to read the Arabic text. If necessary, I point out the relevant tajweed rule [or anything I am emphasising] by colouring the letters where it applies.

Resources Link: the resources link is a simple list of things that I have spoken about in a post, and how these things can be found in relevant documents posted on the resources page. I will state the subject, then the title of the document, and any relevant page numbers. Exampe as follows:

Resources Link:

– Sukoon [Gateway to Arabic, page 48]

– Rules of stopping [Tajweed Basics: Foundations and More: page 15]

Tanween [Gateway to Arabic: page 40]

[Tajweed Basics: Foundations and More: pages 11 – 14]