Islam’s attitude toward animals in general, and cats in particular, is and always has been one of compassion and respect, as expounded through the teachings and traditions originating from the Prophet Muhammad. This blog post will look further into the important place cats have held within Islamic society, the general Islamic principles regarding the treatment of animals, and the moving story of a woman and a cat that helps typify the religious ethical position toward all creatures.

The Special Status of Cats in Islam

The Prophet Muhammad’s Affection for Cats

The Prophet Muhammad is well-known for his love of cats. One of the most famous stories involves his cat, Muezza. According to tradition, when the Prophet needed to leave for prayer and found Muezza sleeping on the sleeve of his robe, he chose to cut off the sleeve rather than disturb the cat. This act of compassion emphasizes the importance Islam places on kindness towards animals, especially cats.

Cats as Clean and Pure Animals

Islamic teachings often describe cats as ritually clean animals. They are allowed to enter homes and mosques without any concern about impurity. This belief is supported by several Hadiths (sayings of the Prophet), which highlight the cleanliness of cats. This status further cements their special place in Islamic culture and society.

Do Cats Bring Angels into the House?

A widely held belief among Muslims is that cats can bring angels into the home. This belief is rooted in the idea that cats, being pure and clean creatures, help create an environment conducive to the presence of angels.

Cleanliness and Spiritual Presence

In Islam, cleanliness is closely associated with spirituality. Angels are believed to reside in clean spaces, and since cats are considered clean, their presence in a home is thought to attract angels. This belief is further reinforced by Hadiths that describe cats as beings that do not invalidate prayers and are naturally clean.

Explore More: Learn about the spiritual significance of animals in Islam by enrolling in our fiqh course.

Islamic Views on Cats

Ethical Treatment of Cats

Islamic teachings strongly advocate for the humane and ethical treatment of all animals, with a particular emphasis on cats. The Prophet Muhammad’s behavior towards cats, as well as various Hadiths, highlight the need to treat these animals with care and respect. Cats are to be fed, sheltered, and looked after, reflecting the broader Islamic values of compassion and mercy.

Cats in Daily Life

In many Muslim households, cats are regarded as part of the family. They are cared for and valued for their companionship and cleanliness. This treatment aligns with Islamic teachings that encourage kindness and generosity towards animals.

External Reference: For further reading on the ethical treatment of animals in Islam, consider visiting IslamiCity.

Are Cats Mentioned in the Quran?

Direct and Indirect References

While the Quran does not specifically mention cats, their significance is understood through Hadiths and the broader teachings of Islam. The Quran emphasizes mercy, compassion, and respect for all living beings, principles that extend to how Muslims should treat cats.

Scholarly Interpretations

Scholars often interpret certain verses of the Quran as addressing the treatment of animals, including cats. These interpretations emphasize the importance of treating all creatures with kindness, a key value in Islam.

External Reference: For a deeper exploration of how Islamic scholars view the treatment of animals, visit Quranic Studies.


Cats are revered in Islam for their cleanliness, purity, and affection the Prophet Muhammad showed towards them. Their role in Islamic culture goes beyond that of a mere pet, as they are seen as spiritually significant creatures that contribute to the sanctity of a home.

By understanding the Islamic views on cats, we gain valuable insights into the broader principles of compassion, cleanliness, and spirituality that define the faith.

If you’re eager to learn more about Islamic teachings, sign up for our program or explore our course on fiqh today.