Angels in Islam play an extraordinary role in the spiritual world, serving as messengers, protectors, and recorders of human deeds. Their existence is a fundamental belief in Islam, emphasizing divine omnipresence and the seamless connection between heaven and earth.


Belief in angels is one of the six pillars of Iman (faith) in Islam. They are created from light and are completely obedient to Allah. Angels in Islam have specific duties and do not have free will, meaning they can’t disobey Allah’s commands. The Quran mentions several angels by name, including Jibreel (Gabriel), Mikail (Michael), and Israfil.

Roles of Angels in Islam:

Angels in Islam have distinct roles, each contributing to the overall balance of the universe.

  1. Messengers: Angels act as divine messengers, conveying Allah’s revelations to the Prophets. Jibreel, known as the “Angel of Revelation”, brought Allah’s words to Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). These revelations are compiled in the Holy Quran, serving as a timeless guide for humanity (Quran 2:97).
  2. Protectors: Angels protect humans from harm and guide them towards righteousness. They surround us, guard us, and encourage positive thoughts and actions.
  3. Recorders of Deeds: Kiraman Katibin are the angels responsible for recording every action and thought of human beings, contributing to their ultimate fate in the Hereafter (Quran 82:10-12).

Angels in Islamic Learning:

Gaining knowledge about angels in Islam is pivotal for spiritual growth. By understanding their purpose, one can comprehend the divine wisdom underlying our existence. It is crucial to explore Islamic teachings about angels to deepen our faith and strengthen our connection with Allah.

IQRA Network offers an exceptional platform for learning about angels in Islam through structured courses and interactive lessons. Dive deep into the divine knowledge by exploring our courses and sign up to begin your enlightening journey.

Angels in Daily Life:

Angels impact our daily lives in profound ways, encouraging goodness and warding off evil. They inspire righteous deeds, fostering an environment of peace and goodness. Awareness of their constant presence promotes mindfulness and reinforces moral conduct.

Influence on Prayers and Dua:

Angels play an instrumental role in carrying the prayers of believers to Allah. They are actively involved in the acceptance of Dua and constantly make Dua for the believers, asking Allah to forgive them (Quran 40:7).

The Beauty of Angelic Purity:

Angels in Islam are free from sin, encompassing purity and righteousness. Their existence symbolizes the utmost obedience to Allah, exemplifying the purity and nobility that humans should strive for.

Angelic Interactions with Prophets:

The interactions between angels and prophets are profound instances of divine intervention, manifesting Allah’s guidance and support for His messengers.

For instance, Jibreel notably supported Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) throughout his prophetic mission, providing solace during distress and,most importantly,delivering divine revelations.

Human Interaction with Angels:

While angels are generally invisible, they can assume human form to carry out specific tasks. Several instances in Islamic history and Hadith depict encounters between angels and humans, illustrating divine wisdom and intervention in human affairs.


Angels in Islam are not merely mythical beings but are a significant aspect of Islamic belief, symbolizing the divine connection and spiritual realm surrounding our existence. Their roles as messengers, protectors, and recorders of deeds illustrate the meticulous balance of the universe orchestrated by Allah.

Understanding the profound nature and roles of angels enriches our Islamic knowledge and fortifies our faith, encouraging a life of righteousness and obedience to Allah. The acknowledgment of their existence and roles fosters a sense of accountability and moral uprightness, paving the way for spiritual growth and divine proximity.

Embark on a journey of spiritual enlightenment with IQRA Network by exploring our extensive range of courses. Deepen your understanding of the divine and register to unlock the treasures of Islamic knowledge.


  1. The Holy Quran:
  2. Sahih al-Bukhari:

Final Thoughts:

Grasping the essence of angels in Islam enables a deeper connection with the divine and a better understanding of our purpose in this world. Let the knowledge of angels inspire purity, obedience, and unwavering faith in our hearts. Embrace the opportunity to learn and grow by immersing yourself in the rich tapestry of Islamic wisdom through dedicated study and reflection.

Embark on your spiritual journey today with the IQRA Network, and let the light of divine knowledge illuminate your path.