Israa Badawy

I began my work as a Quran and Tajweed teacher. Along with an ijazah, I studied Quran and Islam extensively. Currently, you will find me in Customer Support and Outreach. It is a job that I enjoy immensely. My background in teaching gives me an understanding of what a teacher goes through, as well as, what a student needs. So when I talk to our customers, I am able to problem solve easily and efficiently. I earned a promotion as team leader of Customer Support. My focus in this role is to support our staff, so I can help more students. If the staff has a leader that can guide them to the best outcome for the student, then everyone will be happy. I enjoy hearing students’ feedback on how we can make things better and what is working for them in achieving their goals. The key is to listen. We are often too quick in answering before hearing the full story, and I always remind myself to slow down and just listen.